
08 六月 2017 by yx
  • KA Dill 2011 2ed molecular driving forces
    KA_Dill_2011_2ed_molecular-driving-forces.pdf (2018/11/18: 终于下载到了电子版, 开心! 可以直接在电子版上做笔记, 截图)

  • z.cn上, KA Dill的书, DJ Wales的书都有kindle电子版出售.
    (DJ Wales的书或许未来可在bookzz下载)
    京东上有家 澜瑞外文, Doi的soft matter phys比亚马逊上便宜, 600多RMB, 或者我拿着电子版去打印, 书本身不厚.
    另外, 最新出版的 The theory of complex systems 在这家店也能买到, 900多RMB, 而amazon.com上60美元, 还是比京东上便宜很多. 可能京东购买或者找代购或者再等等?
    de Gennes的书已经有电子版. 纸版书很厚, 如果要看可以图书馆借阅.
    A Kinetic View of Statistical Physics 已经有了电子版, 书较厚, 网上购买900+RMB, 目前看电子版+按需打印章节阅读.

  • Chaos and Fractals: An Elementary Introduction
    online code downloads
    David Feldman

  • (想读) Computational Matter

As the silicon chip approaches its eighth decade, researchers are actively seeking alternative substrates on which to implement computations.

This book is concerned with computing in materio: that is, unconventional computing performed by directly harnessing the physical properties of materials. It offers an overview of the field, covering four main areas of interest: theory, practice, applications and implications. Each chapter synthesizes current understanding by deliberately bringing together researchers across a collection of related research projects.

The book is useful for graduate students, researchers in the field, and the general scientific reader who is interested in inherently interdisciplinary research at the intersections of computer science, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and mathematics.

Table of Contents:
UCOMP Roadmap: Survey, Challenges, Recommendations
In Materio Computation Using Carbon Nanotubes
Computing by Non-linear Optical Molecular Response
Bioinspired Computing with Synaptic Elements
Microscopic Chemically Reactive Electronic Agents
Cellular Computing and Synthetic Biology
PhyChip: Growing Computers with Slime Mould
Decoding Genomic Information
Philosophy of Computation
Computability and Complexity of Unconventional Computing Devices
Encoding and Representation of Information Processing in Irregular Computational Matter
BIOMICS: a Theory of Interaction Computing
Reservoir Computing with Computational Matter
Multivalued Logic at the Nanoscale
Nanoscale Molecular Automata: From Materials to Architectures

  • (想读) The Nature of Computation

  • (想读) The Energetics of Computing in Life and Machines
    by David H. Wolpert (Author), Chris Kempes (Editor), Peter F. Stadler (Editor), Joshua A. Grochow (Editor) img

  • (想读) Networks

  • (想读) Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems

  • (待读, 中文电子版) Evolutionary Dynamics Exploring the Equations of Life
    Martin A. Nowak

Martin A. Nowak (how did cooperation evolve?) 还出版了不少其它有趣的文献和书, 可以去看看, 比如: